Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Summer Homework

Yesterday I received summer homework in the mail. It caught me by surprise, considering I haven't had summer homework since 6th grade. But when I thought about it, it is high school, and that's a whole step up from middle school. So, I'm looking through it now (because who wants hw over summer, when they can be jumping on the tramp, or swimming and such?) and it's not the typical I'll-do-it-another-day deal. There's a decent amount included.

1. Read The Alchemist (By Paulo Coelho), take notes on it, answer some questions, oh, and be prepared for a quiz on the book during the first week of school.
2. 25 Community service hours are due by April 15, 2010. (Not so bad, I can volunteer at church or something.)

Okay, well, 2 things--but still, they aren't short-time homework. I guess I better get started.
Sigh... This is just a taste of what high school really will be like.
So I better get used to it.


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